Paolo Manghi is a (PhD) Researcher in computer science at Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione (ISTI) of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), in Pisa, Italy. He is the Head of the Scholarly Communication Infrastructures Research Group, working on data e-infrastructures for science and scholarly communication infrastructures, with a focus on technologies supporting open science publishing within and across different disciplines, i.e. computational reproducibility and transparent evaluation of science. Since 2009, he acts as Chief Technical Officer (CTO) for the OpenAIRE AMKE no-profit, operating the European e-infrastructure for Open Science Scholarly Communication.
Projects He is the Scientific Coordinator of the H2020 project OpenAIRE-Nexus (Jan 2021) and acted as a scientific coordinator, architect, and/or researcher in the H2020 projects OpenAIRE-Nexus (Jan 2021), OpenAIRE-Connect, OpenAIRE-Advance, and OpenAIRE2020. He is/was involved in the construction and operation of services for the European research infrastructures SoBigDataPlus, PARTHENOS, AriadnePlus, RISIS2, and in the European Open Science Cloud projects EOSCpilot, eInfraCentral, EOSC Secretariat, EOSC-Enhance, and EOSC-Future.
International Collaborations He is an active member of Research Data Alliance WGs, member of EC projects advisory boards, of the ResearchObject.org, GreyNet, RD-Switchboard initiative, Open Science Monitor WG for the European Commission, EOSC Architecture WG, GO FAIR GO Inter WG, and World Data System ITO Technical Advisory Committee.